Case Studies

Software Development Client

Over 258 Qualified Leads Generated in 6 Months With Google Ads.


Qualified Leads Generated: 258

AVG Cost Per Lead: $348

Amount Spent: $90,000


Medical Client

Over $415,000 In Revenue Generated Through Facebook Ads Alone.

Leads Generated: 3,449

AVG Cost Per Lead: $3.94

Amount Spent: $13,600

Closed Rate 20%

ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) : 30X


Landscaping Design Client

Landscaping Design Business Generated $45,000 In Revenue In Just Its First Month Working With Us Through Facebook ads.


Leads Generated: 108

AVG Cost Per Lead: $5.15

Amount Spent: $556.17

Close Rate: 15%

Revenue Generated: $48,800


Roofing repair

Residential Roofing Company

Residential Roofing Company-

Generated 133 Qualified Roof Repair & Roof Replacement leads with Facebook ads.


Leads Generated: 133

AVG Cost Per Lead: $18.10

Amount Spent: $2,407

Total New Jobs: 5

Time Period: 3 Months

Revenue Generated: 120K



Water Restoration Company

Water Restoration Company Generated 162 Phone Calls Over 4 Months For Emergency Services With Google Ads.


Leads Generated: 162

AVG Cost Per Lead: $20.92

Amount Spent: $3,390

Total New Jobs: 32

Time Period: 4 Months


Work with a Team of Talented Advertising Ninjas

Since we started in 2021, we have be able to help dozens of businesses grow their revenue and own their market through paid advertising. Our ideal clients are companies that are already doing 10K+ per month in revenue and have a strong motivation to grow their business. We simply ad fuel to your existing fire.

Fun Facts

Happy Clients

Client Revenue Generated

Managed Ad Spend

Leads Generated

Let’s Work Together